50 Years PERKUTE Maschinenbau GmbH
1967 - 2017
PERKUTE Maschinenbau GmbH is celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2017.
The company can look back on an extremely successful history.
In 1965, the company PERKUTE was founded in Rheine/Westphalia.
The name of PERKUTE was synonym for the German PERfekte-KUndendienst-TEchnik,
which is to say for perfect customer service technology.
Initially, this company specialized in the production of hydraulic lifting platforms.
The year 1967 marked the entry in the parts cleaning.
In 1996, the company became a 100% subsidiary of the Denmark-based Stenhøj Group,
which operates worldwide.
Since 2001, the company officially bears the name PERKUTE Maschinenbau in the field of industrial parts cleaning.
The production of hydraulic lifting platforms was spatially separated from parts cleaning.
In 2001, PERKUTE Maschinenbau GmbH moved into the company's new complete production hall
with office and product areas at the Düsterbergstraße in Rheine.
This company branch is situated close to the previous production facilities.
PERKUTE is certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001 since 2007.
Since 1967, PERKUTE Maschinenbau GmbH has earned a worldwide reputation in the
field of industrial parts cleaning and PERKUTE is today one of the leading manufacturers o
f spray process water based part cleaning machines.
The parts cleaning machines are used in the complete scope of production and manufacturing industry,
machine construction as well as in the repair and maintenance sector.
PERKUTE can look back on nearly five decades of experience in the field of industrial parts cleaning.